More photos from Yei

It looks like we'll be here for another week. We cannot leave until a cow is slaughtered in our honor and this will not happen until Friday - invitations have been sent out - house to house- and people are coming from afar.
So here are some more photos of the compound, Adeui's sister father and a trip to the market. Actually, i'm having so much trouble uploading these pictures that i'm not sure which pictures are showing up. The dude with the glasses is Aduei's father. The hut is the one i am staying in. The little girl is my sweetheart Pa-mela. Can't remember what else is shown, but i'm sure you'll figure it out. While i wait for the upload, i'll prattle on about the Dinka. I found out last night that if you accidentally kill someone, you must pay 51 cows to their family - actually 50 to family and 1 to the gov't. Though they shake hands a lot and men hold hands, i have seen no kissing at all. Not even between parent and child.
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