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Well Rojo.....I am getting ready to post my writings from the past month, but after reading your comments, I am in total shock. I wish I would have kept up with your comments during this time. I could have saved you much trouble. You see, Barry Goldstein is not who he says he is. He is not even Jewish. Though his father Moshe is Jewish, he married a Sicilian beauty, Sophia, a devout and quite sensual Roman Catholic. According to Jewish law, the child's religion is based on his mother's religion.
I first met Barry when he followed my Melonball van on his bicycle, claiming to have the perfect Midori recipe. He slept outside my hotel rooms for three months, eating nothing, but drinking 32 ounces of pure Midori Melon Liquor every hour - at 9 minutes past the hour. What you don't know about Barry is that he minored in astronomy in college the loss of status to Pluto, the 9th planet from the sun- his favorite planet and favorite Disney dog - has shattered him. He no longer can find order in this universe. I have been in touch with Sophia - who left Moshe for a 34 year old bacci ball pro and is living in the south of France under an assumed name which i have discovered is a quite cleverly disguised "Sophie." -- and she tells me that Barry cares deeply about you and Claire. You are his life. You are his Pluto - dark and distant, but never insignificant. Please take care of him. And if he doesn't pull though, have a priest come, not a rabbi for Christ sake......
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