Thursday, July 20, 2006

Stil waiting for the bull to arrive

Here are some photos from a visit to Aduei's father's second wife's home - one must be grateful for apostrophes in the English language. I am walking down the road with little Aduei (the child from young wife) and Pa-mela, my best little friend. And yes, I am actually holding a baby - he was crying and i picked him up and he calmed down. We went to visit dad's second - and young- wife two days ago and it turned into a much longer visit than i expected. So i went outside the hut and started throwing a rock around - having a catch with young wife's son - who Aduei calls her brother (actually, she calls wife #2 her mother.....i'm still getting used to all this)....anyway, we toss the rock around and more kids start joining in. Soon a kid steps in the middle and tries to catch the rock - and viola - a game of monkey in the middle was spontaneously born. I'm not sure if all of you know the game or it is just a NYC thing. The person in the middle tries to catch the ball - or rock in this case- and when they do, the person who threw the object goes in the middle. Also in the photos: kids carrying kids and a picture of the second family.


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